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VASER Liposuction – A State-of-the-Art Way to Tone Up

Over the past few decades, there have been many new and different plastic surgery techniques to get rid of excess fat. It used to be that if you wanted to remove fat from your body, your only choice was an invasive surgical procedure to suck it out. But plastic surgery has come a long way in the past 40 years, and now there are different techniques for removing fat – VASER is one such technique.
What is VASER Liposuction?
VASER stands for “vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance.” But you don’t have to understand all of that – all you have to know is that VASER is less invasive than traditional liposuction. It also allows the doctor to be more precise when it comes to removing fat, and many patients say that VASER is much less painful than traditional liposuction and that it takes less time to heal after the procedure.
Before the procedure you will be put under either general anesthesia or conscious sedation. Your doctor will inject a solution into the targeted area and a small incision will be made into the skin. An ultrasound probe is then inserted through the incision, which will be used to break up fatty tissue. This tissue is vacuumed out.
Some of the areas VASER can be used in include your arms, stomach, buttocks, hips, thighs, and neck.
What happens after the VASER procedure?
Every patient is different, but you may have mild side effects such as bruising, pain, and swelling. You may be given a compression garment to help reduce swelling.
You’ll see some changes immediately, but it may take 3 to 6 months before you see your final results. These results can be permanent, but don’t forget that it is important to keep up a healthy lifestyle, with a good diet and exercise. You can get back to your normal routine in just a day or two and your regular exercise regimen within 2 weeks.
VASER liposuction is less invasive, and less painful, than traditional liposuction, all with fantastic results. Call the Plastic Surgery Center of Southern New England today for a VASER liposuction consultation – call (508) 567-3202.

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