Can I breastfeed after a breast procedure?
If you are considering a breast procedure, you no doubt have many questions. You may be concerned about how such a procedure may affect your future pregnancies and your ability to breastfeed, and also how these events may affect any procedure you have had done. Read on for some information about what a breast procedure can mean for your future plans as a mother – and how motherhood may change your body even if you’ve had a breast procedure.
Will I be able to breastfeed after a breast procedure?
There are a variety of options to choose from if you aren’t happy with your breasts, such as breast implants, a breast lift, breast reconstruction, and breast reduction. The procedure you choose depends on the changes you would like to see: breast implants increase the size of your breasts; breast reduction reduces the size and weight of breasts; breast reconstruction can help to correct asymmetric breasts and other issues; and a breast lift can lift the breasts, improving both the position and the shape.
You should always discuss any concerns you have with your doctor when you come in for a consultation about a breast procedure – but typically, a breast procedure will not prevent you from producing milk so that you can breastfeed your baby. In a breast implant procedure, the implants are placed so that they don’t interfere with ducts or mammary glands, and in the other procedures enough tissue is left intact so that milk can still be produced. Research has shown that a woman’s milk supply is at its best 5 years or more after breast surgery.
What will happen after pregnancy and breastfeeding?
Pregnancy and breastfeeding mean many changes for a woman’s body, and this, of course, includes the breasts. If you have a breast procedure before you become pregnant, be warned that it can alter the work that you have had done.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding are both wonderful, beautiful things. If you have any questions about a breast procedure and motherhood, schedule a consultation at the Plastic Surgery Center of Southern New England, in Fall River. Call (508) 567-3202 today!