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7 Recovery Tips After Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery—also called abdominoplasty—can be a transformative way to optimize the contours of the abdomen, enhancing confidence and leaving patients feeling eager to take on the world. However, for the first few weeks after surgery, it is especially important to be mindful about your body’s needs. Below, Dr. Russell Babbitt, our plastic surgeon in Fall River, outlines some tips to help you heal comfortably and effectively:

  1. Prepare Your Recovery Space in Advance: Set up a comfortable area with pillows, blankets, medications, water, healthy snacks, and entertainment like books or TV remotes. This will make resting easier during the first few days post-surgery.
  2. Take Prescribed Medications as Directed: Follow your medication schedule to manage pain and reduce inflammation. If you experience discomfort beyond what is expected, contact Dr. Babbitt promptly.
  3. Sleep in an Elevated Position: Use pillows or a recliner to keep your upper body elevated. This position reduces tension on your incision and helps minimize swelling.
  4. Wear Your Compression Garment Consistently: Dr. Babbitt will recommend a specific schedule for wearing your compression garment. Stick to it to reduce swelling, support your healing muscles, and improve your final results.
  5. Walk for a Few Minutes Each Hour: Light walking, even within your home, helps promote circulation and prevents complications like blood clots. Avoid strenuous activities until cleared by Dr. Babbitt.
  6. Eat Small, Nutritious Meals: Focus on protein-rich foods, leafy greens, and fruits to aid your body’s recovery. Avoid salty or processed foods that may increase swelling.
  7. Avoid Smoking, Alcohol, and Heavy Lifting: These activities can interfere with healing. Refrain from them for the entire recovery period, as advised by Dr. Babbitt.

Interested in learning more about abdominoplasty? Contact Plastic Surgery of Southern New England today to speak with our knowledgeable team or schedule your consultation with Dr. Babbitt.

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